Quotes from the Movie The Awful Truth

I've gotta get a deep Florida tan if it takes all afternoon...All aboard for Miami, Palm Beach and points south.

Jerry Warriner

Well, I'm gonna be tanned and Lucy's not gonna be embarrassed. And what wives don't know won't hurt them.

Jerry Warriner

I wish Lucy would go out and get some fun for herself now and again. It would do her good. That's the trouble with most marriages today. People are always imagining things. The road to Reno is paved with suspicions. And the first thing you know, they all end up in a divorce court.

Jerry Warriner

Perhaps our marriage doesn't mean anything to you?...Perhaps you have no sentiment left for me.

Jerry Warriner

So you two are gonna be married. I was glad to hear that. I said to myself, 'That Leeson's just the man for Lucy.'

Jerry Warriner

Take good care of her. Maybe you'll succeed where I failed. And I'm sure that the three of you will be very happy out where the West begins. If you ever think of me, send me a postcard. Just say, 'Having a wonderful time!' I'll understand.

Jerry Warriner

Oh, I've heard everything. I'm going out to get some popcorn and pink lemonade. I've just seen a three-ring circus.

Jerry Warriner

I certainly acted like a prized lunatic and I'm sorry...Nothing except the most ridiculous and sickening exhibition mortal man ever made of himself. Oh, I don't know why I act like that....The main idea is, do you accept my apology? Aside from making a blue-ribbon sap of myself today, I must have embarrassed you beyond words. You took it fine, though.

Jerry Warriner

You can't have a happy married life if you're always suspicious. No. There can't be any doubts in marriage. Marriage is based on faith and if you've lost that, you've lost everything.

Jerry Warriner

Well, if we haven't had the most terrible time. Armand's car broke down last night a million miles from nowhere and we had to stay at the nastiest little inn you ever saw. No modern conveniences at all. It was dreadful. We were on our way home from the Junior Prom. A pupil of Armand's invited us. And, oh well, it's a long story.

Lucy Warriner

can't have a happy married life if you're always going to be suspicious of each other...No one's interested in my night's adventure except Jerry and he knows it's innocent, just as well as he knows that, well, that he just got back from Florida.

Lucy Warriner

And then somehow, all of a sudden, the three of us were having lunch together. The man, and Mr. Smith [their dog], and I. And then things began to happen rather swiftly. And finally I said, well I think we'd better get married. And we did. And that way, we were able to give Mr. Smith a better home and live happily ever after. Until now.

Lucy Warriner

Put a light in the window if it's yes, two if it's no, and if you can't make up your minds, just pull down the shade.

Lucy Warriner

Jerry's always had the most fantastic way of getting into scrapes. Oh, we've had some grand laughs together. I can't marry him because I'm still in love with that crazy lunatic and there's nothing I can do about it...I tried to forget Jerry.

Lucy Warriner

I'm convinced he must care about me or he wouldn't do the funny things he does.

Lucy Warriner
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